April 12, 2019

Casten Highlights First 100 Days in Congress

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representative Sean Casten (IL-06) marked 100 days since being sworn into the 116th Congress. In the first 100 days, Casten and his colleagues have advanced legislation to protect those with pre-existing conditions, strengthened background checks on guns, and reauthorized vital legislation to advance women's rights, including the Violence Against Women Act and the Paycheck Fairness Act. Since being sworn in, Casten has held five townhalls to hear directly from constituents.

Casten said, "When I came to Congress, I was ready to get to work to address issues such as climate change, gun control, and protecting those with pre-existing conditions. I'm glad that, within 100 days, we have been able to deliver on so many promises. I have also acted on issues I have heard about firsthand from my constituents in the 6th District. From moving to address the SALT deduction cap to helping constituents cut through bureaucratic red tape at Federal agencies, I will continue to fight for the people I represent. While we have made significant progress, I know there's more work to do. I will continue to fight in Congress to pass key legislation to advance the priorities of our country."

The report includes the following highlights:

  • 105 bills cosponsored/introduced
  • Attended 82 community events.
  • More than 310 staff meetings with constituents held
  • 20,000 constituent emails received
  • Five town halls held

DOWNLOAD THE REPORT HERE: /sites/evo-subsites/casten-evo.house.gov/files/FIRST-100-DAYS-REPORT-FINAL.pdf

Casten currently serves on the House Financial Services Committee, House Space, Science, and Technology Committee, and the Select Climate Crisis Committee. He is also a Co-Chair of the New Dem Coalition Climate Change Task Force and a member of the New Dem Health Care Task Force. Casten introduced an amendment in the reauthorization of VAWA that would ensure campus faculty are trained to recognize victims of sexual or domestic violence. On the Financial Services Committee, Casten introduced H.R. 1816 the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Disclosure Effectiveness Testing Act, to ensure that disclosures made to retail investors are clear and concise. Casten won committee approval of that bill.